Last year I was chosen to be the president of SUNY Cortland’s Women’s Club Volleyball team. This was an honor and a learning experience at the same time. Without having a mentor or a coach, I was the one person in charge of nineteen other college aged girls. I had to run tryouts, make cuts, set up tournaments, distribute playing time, and much more. All of these tasks fell onto my shoulders. I had to make sure that in every decision that I made and every conflict I had to resolve to keep as much of an open mind as possible. I had to take myself out of the situation and put myself in others shoes and find the best way to resolve issues. I can honestly say that spending an entire year (two semesters) running a team that if I was not an open minded person before that I defiantly am today.
Many of the conflicts that were brought to my attention I could easily relate to teaching, and conflicts that I will face when I do become a teacher. Being president of club volleyball has, I believe, prepared me and given me practice on how to resolve issues within a physical education class or coaching setting. There is no room in teaching or coaching to play favorites ever. I knew this before my experience last year but being the sole leader of club volleyball really reinforced this point to me loud and clear.
All in all I believe that now having been in a leadership role, and having to put others before myself, and to see things from other peoples point of view that I now look at every situation that I am in with a new open minded outlook, and use that to the best of my abilities when it comes to decision making.
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